Testimonial: My Summer Takeaway and The Artist’s Way Book Club

The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron

Jenny and all the fascinating women that participated helped me rediscover that forgotten young person. The one who wrote poems.
Toynie, Artist’s Way Book Club Participant  

Walking through the booths at a Summer Art Fair, I met a beautiful soul named Jennifer Foley. I was immediately drawn to her presence! Her warm smile radiated a positive outlook which captured my attention and curiosity. She began to talk about a workshop she held called “The Artist’s Way”. It is a group of women that meet weekly to discuss how to rediscover their inner artists and how to unblock what holds them back from being creative. I thought, “I am not an artist”, but what the heck it sounded fun! I was going through a tough time, as so many of us are these days. I thought this might be the motivation needed to move in a more positive direction.

Boy, did it! I forgot how to play, how to wish, how to be creative. I tucked those thoughts away and replaced them with too many worries of everyday life! In this wonderful workshop, Jenny and all the fascinating women that participated helped me rediscover that forgotten young person. The one who wrote poems.

Thank you, Jenny, for all you do!

Hidden Treasures
by Toynie Nine

Straight and perfect not am I, I walk a different path. Again and again I veer to the unfamiliar. I look on the ground for hidden treasures as I often do, but to my surprise it comes to me as I lift my head high.

My eyes fell upon its dangled branches, twisted, low and strong. It called to me, I gasped!

I ran my hands along its roughened surface feeling the beat of its soul. I was intimidated but I knew somehow it was not out of reach. I found the courage to climb and rest my bones upon its invitation.

I imagined creatures great and small, sitting among the ancient branches wondering of what the world has to offer. I drifted away under a blanket of spinning leaves, blue specks of sky and whispering winds.

I was reminded that weathered, bent not perfect has so many hidden treasures to offer.


Water: A Natural Weight Loss Tool: Part I


Testimonial: Intuitive Painting and The Artist’s Way Book Club