Spirit Horse Wisdom
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Spirit Horse Wisdom

Horses are kind, social creatures. They represent feminine energy and the igniting of creativity. These spirited creatures have galloped through many of our ancient myths, favorite childhood stories, wishes, dreams and drawings. This historic relationship has given humans and horses a woven, interconnected bond.  Horses help us to recover the beauty, power, and nobility of our own spirit. 

Click here to learn more the profound connection to your inner vitality and creativity through the presence of equine spirits.

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Welcome Summer
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Welcome Summer

Each season carries with it an energy, a sense of time and place that resonates within us. When we take inspiration from the changing seasons and adapt our self-care routine to fit with this, we feel relaxed, empowered and in tune with the natural world.

Click here to learn more about how to connect deeper to this summer season and to embrace well-being.

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Manifest What You Desire: Manifestation Exercise
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Manifest What You Desire: Manifestation Exercise

Do you ever wonder what it feels like to be truly in sync with the universe, where your deepest desires materialize into reality? That's manifestation. It can be a powerful tool in your well-being toolbox. While it isn't my specialty, my friend and colleague Star Staubach, owner of Ignite Radiance and the Bad Ass Manifestation Parties, is a master at manifestation and helping people tap into and attract what they really want in life.

Click here for the manifestation exercise.

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Something feels off….is it Languishing?
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Something feels off….is it Languishing?

Have you been feeling different lately? You can’t pinpoint it…. You are not exactly sad, but it would be hard to describe yourself as thriving. Maybe you’re just feeling “BLAH”? How about trying the word languishing to portray how you’re feeling?

Languishing is the opposite of flourishing – when you feel connected and purposeful. Languishing is when you feel lackluster or disconnected. The word “languishing” can be traced to the early Latin root word “languere”, which means to feel faint or unwell. Languishing is associated with emotional distress, to languish is to be more of a middle point on the mental health continuum. In other words, not high and not too low, just flat.

Click here to learn more about this term, common signs and how to cope.

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Chinese Lunar New Year: The Year of the Wood Dragon
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Chinese Lunar New Year: The Year of the Wood Dragon

Saturday, February 10, 2024 marks the beginning of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Dragon, and will end on Jan. 28, 2025. This year's animal is the Dragon, specifically the Wood Dragon.

So what does that mean? To embrace the energy of the Dragon, we're encouraged to tap into our spirit that promotes our inner strengths and showcases our leadership qualities. The Dragon represents a commanding presence, encouraging us to pursue our aspirations with vigor and resilience. 

Click here to learn more about this special year of the Wood Dragon.

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Beat the Winter Blues
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Beat the Winter Blues

It is winter! It is dark and cold, and after the Holidays have passed, there might not be as much to look forward to in the next couple of months- except the coming of Spring. As an Integrative Wellbeing Coach, I am not surprised that January can be one of my busiest months. As soon as the Holidays are over, I tend to get more clients looking for some help to ease the winter blahs.

Most people who experience seasonal depression report feeling tired, unmotivated, and just plain sad.

Here are 6 tips to help battle the winter blues.

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Tis the Season to Overindulge!  
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Tis the Season to Overindulge!  

Cookies, cocktails, gravy, mashed potatoes, chocolate, chips and dip, appetizers, ham, stuffing, pies, cakes ………Ugh, I ate too much. I need some TUMS... how can I feel better?

Here are 10 tips from the Functional Nutrition Alliance to improve your digestion and help you feel better during the holidays.

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Do more of what lights you up!
Blog Anne Carson Blog Anne Carson

Do more of what lights you up!

We light up the world by following what lights us up. We are here to share the unique gifts that we all possess. We don’t discover our soul calling; we uncover it by following the trail of things that light us up. When you follow what you love, the Universe will pick up on and expand these feelings and send you more things to match your newly found expansion.

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Connect with the Rhythm of Nature
Blog, Forest Bathing Anne Carson Blog, Forest Bathing Anne Carson

Connect with the Rhythm of Nature

The sounds of the forest, the scent of the trees, the sunlight playing through the leaves, and the fresh, clean air give us a sense of comfort. They ease our stress and worry, help us relax, and think more clearly. Being in nature can restore our mood, give us energy and vitality, and refresh and rejuvenate us.

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End-of-Life Doula: Paving the Way to a Good Death
Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson

End-of-Life Doula: Paving the Way to a Good Death

A good death is demonstrated when we honor the end-of-life choices of the terminally ill. End-of-Life Doulas are trained to help us do just that. They are non-medical, professionally trained individuals who assist in the dying process. They help individuals, and their caregivers, cope with death by providing physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual support before, during and after the death occurs.

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When a Spouse Dies…
Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson

When a Spouse Dies…

Encountering the loss of a spouse is overwhelming. The mourning process may include shock, numbness, and deep pain and sorrow. Logistically, emotionally, spiritually, and logistically, there is much to navigate and process. The best way to ensure you can focus your energy on grieving, remembering, honoring, and healing after your loved one passes is to ensure you have all the logistics in order ahead of time.

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Retreat Recap: Connecting with Mother Earth, May 2023
Blog, Retreat Recap, Retreats, Forest Bathing Guest User Blog, Retreat Recap, Retreats, Forest Bathing Guest User

Retreat Recap: Connecting with Mother Earth, May 2023

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, a beautiful group of Balanced Soul Forest Bathers explored the Marion University Eco Lab. We “Connected to Mother Earth” by discussing what we each experience in nature that feels nurturing. We explored the pain and sadness that some feel around Mother’s Day, our connection with femininity, and more.

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Retreat Recap: May 2023 Magic Meadow Retreat
Blog, Retreat Recap, Retreats Guest User Blog, Retreat Recap, Retreats Guest User

Retreat Recap: May 2023 Magic Meadow Retreat

On Saturday, May 13 Balanced Soul partnered as a specialist with Magic Meadow Retreats for a special “Mind your Mother” event in honor of Mother’s Day. Balanced Soul designed an experience to “Reclaim your Inner Goddess”. For us, a Goddess is a woman who is in the process of learning to know, accept and love herself on all levels, body, mind, and spirit. A woman who, because she focuses on personal growth and self- awareness, experiences a life, increasingly filled with peace, love, joy, passion, and fun. A woman that understands that she has unlimited capacity to make her life into anything she wants. Read more about our event here!

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Dying a “Good Death”
Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson Blog, Death Wellness Anne Carson

Dying a “Good Death”

The death wellness movement rethinks the way we approach death. Death wellness or "dying well "is a trend where individuals, academics, spiritual leaders, and healthcare professionals collaborate and help their clients or loved ones plan for a peaceful, comfortable, and intentional end-of-life experience. 

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The Tree of Life
Blog, Forest Bathing Anne Carson Blog, Forest Bathing Anne Carson

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a universal symbol. Many cultures, religions, and communities reference the Tree of Life or World Tree to portray the connection between the heavens and all Earthly creations. March welcomes a season of new life: we witness the rebirth of many of Earth's creations, each emerging from their winter slumber.

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The Year of The Rabbit: What Does This Mean for You?
Blog, Personal Renewal, Vision Jennifer Foley Blog, Personal Renewal, Vision Jennifer Foley

The Year of The Rabbit: What Does This Mean for You?

Known as Sheng Xiao, the Chinese zodiac is an ancient categorization system that delineates specific themes and characteristics through a complex 60-year cycle based on the Chinese Lunar calendar. The Chinese zodiac can be traced back more than 2,000 years ago to the Han Dynasty. Twelve animals represent the Chinese lunar years, and the animals are in the following order: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig.

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Personal Renewal
Blog, Personal Renewal, Vision Jennifer Foley Blog, Personal Renewal, Vision Jennifer Foley

Personal Renewal

As we welcome 2023, it's natural to reflect on the past year and think about ways to design our best future. Personal renewal is an important aspect of living a healthy, balanced life. Arriving at the new year is a perfect opportunity to set intentions and make positive changes in our lives.

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The Gratitude Jar
Blog Jennifer Foley Blog Jennifer Foley

The Gratitude Jar

What have you been asked to bring to the Thanksgiving celebration this year? Perhaps you have been asked to bring pumpkin pie or mac and cheese or even green bean casserole? But how about bringing a Gratitude Jar instead?  The Gratitude Jar is a beautiful new tradition you can start around the Thanksgiving table.

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