Do more of what lights you up!
“The things you are passionate about are not random. They are your calling.” – Fabienne Frederickson
We light up the world by following what lights us up. We are here to share the unique gifts that we all possess. We don’t discover our soul calling; we uncover it by following the trail of things that light us up. When you follow what you love, the Universe will pick up on and expand these feelings and send you more things to match your newly found expansion.
Not sure where to start? Start by remembering what lit you up as a child. What were you inexplicably drawn to? Were there particular objects in your surroundings? Did you enjoy reading and learning about specific topics? What do you remember playing as a child that made you lose track of time? Take a moment to reflect on your curiosity about particular topics, people, ideas, and objects. You’ll start to notice these reflect our soul’s yearning and unique interests. Our curiosity and obsessions have always been calling to us to follow them, to learn more about them, and to spend time in the uplifting embrace of our passions. Too often, we choose practicality over wonderment, what we “should” be doing rather than quieting the outside world and paying attention to what brings us joy.
Permission to be you
Some people have one all-encompassing passion that consumes their lives, while others are more diverse in their interests, taking their curiosity and skill into many arenas in their lifetime. Give yourself permission to follow your curiosity and see where it leads. You do not have to master the object of your passion; it is enough that you love it and lose time when pursuing it!
Ask yourself these questions and take some time to journal your answers.
What made you feel joyful as a child?
What activities did you find delight in doing as a child?
On what topic can you never get enough information?
What comes naturally to you?
What patterns of interest keep coming up for you again and again?
What topic have you not let go of in several years even though it’s “not practical?”
What has held you back from following your curiosity and passions?
What messages have you learned from society, family, or yourself that have left you bored, stressed, or unfulfilled?
If your 88-year-old self were to give you advice about where to spend more energizing time in your life, what would he/she say to you?
What is your favorite quote and why?
Stay curious and find your light,
Creating your home as a sanctuary is an enriching endeavor that nurtures your spirit and enhances your well-being. A sanctuary is more than just a physical space; it is a haven that reflects your personality, provides comfort, and fosters peace. The health benefits of transforming your home into a sanctuary are profound.
Click here to deepen your understanding of transforming your home into a sanctuary using Feng Shui.