Forest Bathing Recap: Journaling Among the Trees

On Saturday, October 7, one of the first cool autumn mornings, a group of five Balanced Soul Forest Bathers, in partnership with the Indiana Native Plant Society, met at the Marion College Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab to explore "Journaling Among the Trees."

We reflected on how nature journaling is another way to deepen our connection with nature. When we write down our thoughts and observations, we can process the information more clearly, creating a more present relationship to what we notice. Our morning began with a group meditation beside the Allison Mansion fountain. The sound of the fountain’s rushing water and birdsong gently supported the grounding meditation, helping us cross the threshold of awareness into the Forest and leave behind our busy lives.

Writing a Letter Spoken from Nature

Our group completed a silent gratitude walk down into the Ecolab, holding the thought, "If Nature Could Speak, What Would SHE Be Saying to You?" When we arrived at the outdoor classroom, we discussed options for capturing a response from nature through creative writing. Participants chose between writing a Celtic poem or a letter spoken from nature. Acronym writing was showcased by sharing the book The Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris. It brings attention to the 40 words from nature that are no longer listed in the Oxford Children's Dictionary because children no longer use them in their everyday language.

We pulled Lost Words inspiration cards and set personal intentions for our Forest Bath experience. In addition to the nature writing, I asked the group to find objects representing some aspect of themselves that we’d use to create a group mandala at the end of the experience.

We closed our time together by drinking a “stress-free” tea and sharing our written messages from nature. We then read the poem “Advice from a Tree” by Ilan Shamir, and each chose a stanza that spoke to us to live forward in our lives.


By Ilan Shamir

Stand tall and proud.

Go out on a limb.

Remember your roots.

Drink Plenty of water.

Be content with your natural beauty.

Enjoy the view.

Writings from the Forest Bath

If Nature Could Speak, What Would SHE Be Saying?


I am wind.

I am invisible, like the Holy Spirit.

I am a creator of visible effects.

I am fast.

I am slow.

I am strong.

I am gentle.

I caress you.

I knock you over.

I am music.

I am whispers.

I am rattles.

I am chimes.

I am ripples.

I am waves.

I go where I will.

I am wind.

– Amy Perry
Indiana Native Plant Society Member



Few understand me as I grow, attaching to my woody foe. Or is the bark my friend, my home? Busy worms and bugs mean I am not alone.

Underneath the Tulip Tree, my brackets bloom with toxicity. Don’t eat me, or you’ll surely die; my bright orange skin does not lie.

Nothing stops my insatiable thirst. I drink all day but never burst.

Gone are the days I was called ugly and mean. I’m one with you; we are all the same.

I am rot. I am golden brown. I am all that nature crowns.  Out of darkness, we are reborn.  I am fungi. We are one.

– Susie Marshall
Developer Relations, NVIDIA


I am ……..Because You Are

I am the water – sometimes still and sometimes flowing. Ever changing and always renewing.

I am the tree – with strong, firm roots that I sometimes forget and always with arms reaching, straining for you. Always the perfect form in your eyes.

I am the wind – sometimes soothing, sometimes forceful: always giving life; your air is mine, mine yours.

I am the fire and heat – sometimes burning too hot and fast and sometimes just smoldering, always moving, flickering, ready to burst into flame. You are the SON – steady, bright, warm, constant, full of life-giving energy and joy.

I am the whole earth- a mother, a friend, a partner striving and changing to continue to be all that you have made me to be – perfect, wonderful, and fearfully, amazingly made by you.

I am the path- the road less traveled, the well-worn trail, the teaming expressway, but always the way home walking hand in hand with you.

I am love because YOU are LOVE.


– Jennifer Agramonte
Director of Philanthropy and Giving, Dress for Success


If Nature Could Speak, What Would SHE Be Saying? 

I am here, look for me, look to me.

I am here, listen to me, even in my silence.

I am here, smell what I am made of

I am here, feel my pieces, share my touch.

I am here, whether you are not.

I am here, wing, water, blade, gust, scent.

I am here, busy, still, loud, silent, alive, I am YOU.

– Sarah Spencer
Lead Development Specialist, First Financial Bank

Gallery from Forest Bathing Experience


Do more of what lights you up!


Balance your mind, body, and spirit this autumn with Reiki