Forest Bathing Recap: Healing with Nature
Retreats, Recap Jennifer Foley Retreats, Recap Jennifer Foley

Forest Bathing Recap: Healing with Nature

On Saturday, July 13, 2024, fourteen participants joined in a Balanced Soul Forest Bathing experience, "Healing with Nature." The group spent the morning exploring their reciprocal and symbiotic relationship with the trees and experiencing ways to engage with the forest for healing and personal well-being at the Marion University Nina Mason Pulliam Eco Lab.

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Dreaming into the Seasons Recap: Dreaming into Autumn Walk: The Nature of Thresholds
Retreats, Nature Walks, Recap Jennifer Foley Retreats, Nature Walks, Recap Jennifer Foley

Dreaming into the Seasons Recap: Dreaming into Autumn Walk: The Nature of Thresholds

Our small group of amazing women were blessed by gorgeous October weather and a pair of swans on our leisurely 4 mile autumn hike in Carmel Central Park. It was a perfect day to dream into Nature’s messages.

We began our morning with introductions and an invocation about the nature of thresholds in nature and in our personal lives with words by John O’ Donohue, from his book, To Bless the Space Between Us. Participants were asked to ponder these words during our hike.

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Retreat Recap: Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care
Retreats, Recap Jennifer Foley Retreats, Recap Jennifer Foley

Retreat Recap: Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care

17 women gathered to explore tools and practices for healing, wellness, and life balance. They included Active Dreamwork developed by Robert Moss, crystals, gemstones, and essential oils, CBD products by Alix Litwack from CBD Jubilee, and Ayurveda Yoga Nidra meditations using the Chakra systems by Sheila Dimolf. Award winning musician Michelle Qureshi played her harp guitar for the activities, and we were well fed with spectacular creations by Toby Mares from Good Gracious.

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