Forest Bathing Recap: Connecting with Mother Earth

Forest Bathing Group

On May 9, 2022, this beautiful group of Balanced Soul Forest Bathers explored the Marion University Eco Lab.

We “Connected to Mother Earth” through meditation and a silent walk through a marsh, using all of our senses (including our sense of imagination). Upon reaching the Eco Lab outdoor classroom, we relaxed further with gentle yoga stretches. Our group then took their silent alone time to fully ‘bathe” in the gifts of nature. Returning from forest bathing we finished our time together with a cup of dandelion tea while sharing our experiences and messages received from Mother Earth. We read the poem “The Moment of Your Birth,” by Rebecca Campbell to complete our time together and remind us of the love for our mothers and the amazement of being birthed into our unique lives.

The Moment of Your Birth” By Rebecca Campbell

 Before you were born your soul consulted with the cosmos to arrange the details of your return. The location and conditions were carefully orchestrated and seeded as you crossed the threshold of the in‑ between – the watery world of the Mother.

There you waited in the fertile void as all of the stars and the planets in the knowable and unknowable cosmos moved into place.

 When the alignment was just right, a portal opened and you were crowned upon your entrance to the world. A soul embodied. Spirit planted. Eternal woven into matter. Heaven and Earth combined.

 Your cells, your flesh, your bones, your eyes, all made up of ancient exploding stars. The Universe magnificently ordered as the cosmos. Your basic existence is enough to blow anyone’s mind.

 How did you get here? And why did you choose to come? Somehow, the cosmic curtains parted for the great dance of your life to begin. 

This is that life and you are that dancer. It took a lot for you to be here now. To be planted here now. And what a time you chose to come.

Highlights from this Forest Bathing experience included:

Sightings of spring flowers, a mother duck and ducklings, a beaver dam, sycamore trees reflecting sunlight, a bee hive, the smell of honeysuckle, the bell ringing from the university, a birthday celebration, red wing blackbirds, The Girl of the Limberlost by Gene Porter-Stratton, beaver canals, a rock bridge, and the drum beat of a woodpecker.

Join us for our June Balanced Soul Forest Bathing experience! Only one spot remaining!

Bathing in Gratitude
June 18, 2022
9-11:30 am

100 Acres at Newfields
Fee: $30

We will explore gratitude and the experience of a reciprocity practice in giving Mother Nature the gift of earth art.

Click here to sign up today!


Gallery from Forest Bathing Experience


Connect with Your Unique Energy


Walking and Talking Our Dreams