Walking and Talking Our Dreams

You are never given a dream without also being given the power to make it true. You may have to work for it, however. – Richard Bach

Our dreams are powerful tools.

They can provide a window to our soul’s true desires. Nurturing our soul and pursuing those desires helps us live our purpose and lead more fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, if we don’t take action to honor our dreams, our soul becomes frustrated and withdraws its energy and vitality from our lives.

To harness their energy and use their guidance in our everyday lives, you first need to learn how to retrieve and share your dreams. One of my favorite dream recall and action tools is The Lightening Dreamwork Game. Developed by Active Dreaming creator Robert Moss, The Lightning Dreamwork Game helps dreamers share their dreams in a focused and quick manner. The game honors the dreamer and respects their perspective about dream’s meaning. It also provides a framework for the dreamer to create an action plan to honor the dream.

Not a night dreamer? You can play this game with any type of dream: night dreams, daydreams, nightmares, synchronistic events, or even when visioning for your business.

How to Play the Lightning Dreamwork Game

To play the Lighting Dreamwork Game, you need two people - a Listener and a Dreamer. 

Step 1: TELL
Tell the story of the dream in a simple, clear narrative, leaving out autobiographical added explanations, or commentary.

Step 2: TITLE
Give your dream a title, like a movie or a book.

What are the dreamer’s first FEELINGS about the dream after waking?

What does the dreamer recognize from their waking life that relates to this dream?

Step 5: FUTURE
Is it possible that any part of this dream could play out in the future- symbolically or literally?

What does the dreamer MOST want to know about the dream?

Give any feedback given about the dream to the dreamer starting with this statement:

                If it were my dream…..”  We are not to interpret another person’s dream.  We use this statement to honor the dreamer and their dream.

The dreamer must honor the dream by creating an Action Plan.  There are several suggested actions listed below, or an action may be created by the dreamer.

  • Go back into the dream through the process of dream re-entry, gathering additional information about the dream.

  • Bring the dream to life through writing a poem, painting, or making music.

  • Dream archeology: research names, locations, and other details of the dream.

  • Create a bumper sticker or a catchphrase from the dream.

  • Share the dream with someone else who may need to know the contents of the dream.

Sound interesting? I’d love to help you explore and process your dreams through our Active Dream Coaching

If you’d prefer a group setting to try it out – you’re in luck! We’re offering a retreat in October called Everyday Synchronicity: Dreaming a Life of Intention & Magic. Space is limited for these intimate events, so we recommend reserving your space early.

Happy Dreaming,



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