Walking and Talking Our Dreams
Active Dreaming Jennifer Foley Active Dreaming Jennifer Foley

Walking and Talking Our Dreams

Our dreams are powerful tools.

They can provide a window to our soul’s true desires. Nurturing our soul and pursuing those desires helps us live our purpose and lead more fulfilling lives. Unfortunately, if we don’t take action to honor our dreams, our soul becomes frustrated and withdraws its energy and vitality from our lives.

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Don’t Remember your Dreams? Breaking a Dream Drought
Active Dreaming Jennifer Foley Active Dreaming Jennifer Foley

Don’t Remember your Dreams? Breaking a Dream Drought

Have you ever said “I don’t dream” or “I never remember my dreams”? Many of us have lost touch with our dreams. Our society is suffering a severe dream drought. Many indigenous traditions view the loss of dream recall as a serious issue. The Navajo tribe says that when humans dream, they stay in touch with the spirit realm. The Iroquois believe that when you have lost your dreams you have lost a part of your soul. Psychologist, C.G. Jung declared “it is an age-old fact, that God speaks chiefly through dreams and visions.” Read on to find out how to combat Dream Drought.

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