Retreat Recap: Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care

On September 12, 2021, we journeyed into a deeper understanding of the Chakras and crafted a personal well-being plan. 17 women gathered to explore tools and practices for healing, wellness, and life balance. We met in the spacious two room venue at Katz Korin Cunningham Legal, located just two blocks from the Indiana State Capitol building. The retreat was facilitated by Jennifer Foley, MS, HHP TTS, and Meredith Eastwood, MA, MS.

Highlights included:

  • Shiela Dimof, an Ayurveda Coach and Vedic Astrologer, owner of The Healing Sanctuary led Ayurveda Yoga Nidra meditations using the Chakra systems

  • Participants did Active Dreamwork, with techniques developed by Robert Moss, we also played a version of the Synchronicity Card Game which is a playful, but meaningful oracle activity adapted from Robert Moss’s Active Dreaming practices.

  • Alix Litwack, owner of CBD Jubilee, shared a variety of CBD products that can help assist with your health and well-being

  • We explored essential Oils and gemstones that support and enhance healing.

  • Award winning musician Michelle Qureshi played her harp guitar for the activities

  • Enjoyed delicious food by Toby Mares from Good Gracious

  • Jennifer and Meredith highlighted two special books, She Who Dreams by Wanda Burch and A Moment of Calm by Diana Ensign.

We also held a release ceremony to encourage participants to let go of blocking energies and to bless a sacred space open for the revitalization of soul. This time we used water in an ancestral bowl. Participants created pictures and wrote messages on dissolving paper which were left in the bowl during a silent ceremony. Michelle then took that bowl to the river and release the water into the flow.

A special thank you to Katz Korin Cunningham Legal for the use of their space. Those of us who helped with this dreaming retreat are grateful for all who attended and shared our sacred space with generosity of spirit and loving hearts.

Look for our next dreaming retreat in 2022 when we will explore the basics of Active Dreaming with a wide range of activities including the Lightning Dreamwork Process, shamanic lucid journeys, and dream theater.

Gallery from the Retreat


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