Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part II

woman unable to sleep

Why Dreaming Matters

Dreaming is important for health and well-being. The recall of dreams is an amazing tool for processing the information from our waking life. Dreams can depict an aspect of ourselves that requires our attention, showing us where a part of our vital energy has gone missing. Through dreams, we can be shown what is happening in our physical body, health issues, and needed lifestyle changes. Dreaming can reflect the voice of the Soul, reminding us to embrace the greater purpose of our lives.

“Dreams often speak to us metaphorically by holding up a magic mirror in which we are able to see the nature of our attitudes and behavior and the probable consequences.”

 – Robert Moss

According to Robert Moss, founder of Active Dreaming, these Nine Powers of Dreaming summarize the Wellness benefits of dreaming.

Nine Powers of Dreaming

  1. We solve problems in our sleep

  2. Dreams coach us for future challenges and opportunities

  3. Dreams hold up a magic mirror to our actions and behavior

  4. Dreams show us what we need to do to stay well

  5. Dreams are a secret laboratory

  6. Dreams are a creative studio

  7. Dreams help us mend our divided self

  8. Dreaming is a key to better relationships

  9. Dreams recall us to our larger purpose

Most REM or dream sleep occurs in the latter third of the night. Sleep loss at that time results in what is called "dream deprivation". If we don’t remember our dreams and experience dream deprivation, it can have a profound impact on our memory and connection to our higher Self. When we are deprived of our dreams, we are left to navigate the world with less access to information needed for living a conscious life.

Another factor that contributes to dream deprivation is the routine use of an alarm clock. For many people when the alarm clock buzzes, it will wake you out of a dream or awaken you before you have entered into REM, leaving fatigue or a groggy feeling upon waking.

Health issues related to Sleep and Dream Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can cause damage to our bodies in the short term. Over time, it can lead to chronic health problems that can negatively impact your quality of life. Here are some issues that can be related to a lack of sleep.

  • Chronic Fatigue

  • Decrease in Productivity

  • Headaches

    Weakened defense against viruses, common cold, flu, etc.

  • Heart Disease

  • Deteriorated creativity and problem-solving skills

  • Being moody, emotional, and quick to anger

  • Grogginess (could include falling asleep behind the wheel of a car)

  • Accidental injury

  • Depression

  • Suppressed Libido

  • Hypertension

  • Weight Gain/ Increase in appetite

  • Cognitive Dysfunction

To avoid these issues and live a healthy, happy, and balanced life, be sure to get enough sleep and never forget the power of dreaming!

Sweet Dreams,



Retreat Recap: Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care


Retreat Recap: Dreaming with Nature on the Summer Solstice