Retreat Recap: Dreaming with Nature on the Summer Solstice

“ When we walk into a grove of trees or under an open sky, the magic of Nature takes over, and the heaviness of life lifts just a little.” -Natassia Cassinerio

We held our first Balanced Soul retreat of the year on Sunday – Dreaming with Nature on the Summer Solstice. It was such an honor to be a guide for our intimate group as we explored the spiritual insights aligned with the meaning of the Summer Solstice. We unplugged, breathed, and tuned into Nature, allowing Her to heal and inspire us.

Below are a few highlights from the retreat:

  • As we set up for the retreat, a tiny bird landed on our picnic table and sang for us. It was as though she was telling us she was happy to share her woods with us.

  • Nature showed us many of Her elements: Wind, a rainbow, mist, humidity, sunshine, thunderstorm, fire, water, leaves rustling, wet grass, the taste of rain, the smell of damp earth. When a thunderstorm showed up halfway through the retreat, we respected her, and She gave us the space to finish our day. 

  • The Forest Bathing walk began with the intention “If Nature could Speak, what would She be Saying.” During the exercise, we discovered the group was full of creative and inspiring poets and writers.

  • Participants set intentions around their relationship to the Natural world and desires for healing and Well-Being, and Nature responded to give each of us Her messages in response to those intentions during the Synchronicity Card Game.

  • Award-winning guitarist and musician Michelle Qureshi immersed and soothed us with her music. At times, it was as though Michelle and the songbirds were playing a duet as they responded to her musical phrases.

  • Tams Sweet and Savory Café provided us a healthy, yummy lunch to fuel our bodies.

  • Many participants decided to leave their “inner skeptics” in their cars until the end of the retreat, which opened the door to the power of their intuition and imagination.

  • Participants perused lovely earrings from LaylaLoops, a local jewelry maker and our featured entrepreneur

 It was a beautiful afternoon where we spoke our Soul’s truth and embraced an openness that allowed ourselves and others to be safely seen. Below are photos and images from the retreat. 

 Our next retreat will be held on September 12, 2021 and is called Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care. Click here to learn more or register. 

Gallery from the Retreat


Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part II


Forest Bathing Prescription