Forest Bathing Recap: Healing with Nature

Fourteen amazing participants met on Saturday, July 13, 2024, for a Balanced Soul Forest Bathing experience, "Healing with Nature." The group spent the morning exploring the natural world and discussing ways to engage with the forest for healing and personal well-being at the Marion University Nina Mason Pulliam Eco Lab.

We started our day by sharing places in nature where we felt healthy and vibrant. Here are a few of the locations mentioned by participants:

  • Walking on the trail along the White River

  • Mountains

  • Aspen, Colorado

  • BNO Trail in Indianapolis

  • Kalamazoo, Michigan

  • By the Ocean

  • St. John Island in the Caribbean

  • Laying on my paddle board, drifting on the lake

  • Being in Sunshine

Our group discussed the concept of our reciprocal and symbiotic relationship with the trees. We engaged in a meditation focused on well-being to help us focus more on the present moment. Afterward, we proceeded with a silent walk down into the Eco Lab.

Upon arrival, we discussed scientific findings related to the health benefits documented when we spend time in nature. We explored viewing the forest as a medicine cabinet and talked about how the indigenous people and early settlers might have used some of the Indiana native plants for healing.

Inside the outdoor classroom, guest facilitator Lindel Sandlin led our group through Qigong movements to help release stuck emotions and to help connect more deeply with the Qi of trees and Mother Earth. Qigong, "the mother" of Tai Chi, combines simple breathing techniques, mental focus, and accessible physical postures.

Local Indiana artist Victoria Williams Steen's inspirational Balanced in Beauty Way Spiritual Cards were offered to the group for additional healing and guidance. We welcomed feelings of gratitude, using them as a natural force field against depression. Each forest bather received a small bag of birdseed and sage to offer as a thank-you back to the forest. Participants created a group nature mandala and sage bundles that they later burned to release issues, thoughts, or behaviors that interfered with being their healthiest selves.

We closed our time together with the poem "Advice from A Tree" by Ilan Shamir. To close the day's ceremony, each participant chose one line of action from the poem to take forward in their lives.

Advice from a Tree

Stand tall and proud.

Go out on a limb.

Remember your roots.

Drink plenty of water.

Be content with your natural beauty.

Enjoy the view.

Highlights from the Healing with Nature Forest Bathing event included experiencing radiant sunshine, locating two beaver houses—one for summer and one for winter, a unique bird feather, lush green leaves, a walking stick, a loon and her chick, lily pads, bird seed and sage, Queen Anne's Lace, tree bark, and walnuts.

We are thrilled to invite you to our next Forest Bathing event on Saturday, September 14th: Journaling Among the Trees. Nature journaling is a way to make a collection of beautiful memories to look back on at a future time. When we write down our thoughts or observations, we can process the information more clearly in our mind and build a greater connection. Without a nature journal, we must rely on our memory, which can get fuzzy and leave out beautiful details. During this event, we will relish the joy of Tiny Things – discovering the smallest gifts from the forest and ending with a tea ceremony!

With love and gratitude,


Gallery from Forest Bathing Experience: Healing with Nature on Saturday, July 13, 2024


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