Forest Bathing Recap: Journaling Among the Trees

On Saturday, October 15, a group of Balanced Soul Forest Bathers met at the Marion College Nina Mason Pulliam Ecolab to explore “Journaling Among the Trees” for our final Forest Bathing experience of the year.

We reflected on how nature journaling is another way we can deepen our connection with Nature. When we write down our thoughts and observations, we are able to process the information more clearly, creating a more present relationship to what we are noticing. Our morning began with a group meditation beside the Allison mansion fountain. The sound of the fountains rushing water and birdsong seemed to interweave the chant, helping us to cross the threshold of awareness into the forest and leave behind our busy lives. 

Finding a Sit Spot in Forest Bathing

Our group then completed a silent gratitude walk down into the Ecolab holding the thought “If Nature Could Speak, What Would SHE Be Saying To You?” When we arrived at the outdoor classroom, we discussed the value of a Forest Bath sit spot. A sit spot is a destination location for the Forest Bather to go back to and quietly sit for an extended period. The sit spot gives a long, slow reveal from nature. The longer you sit there, the more you notice. The animals and birds begin to trust your presence and show themselves.

 Writing a Letter Spoken from Nature

Participants were given a Celtic poem template to write a letter spoken from nature. In addition, inspiration cards created by local Indiana artist Victoria Williams Steen, were pulled and personal intentions were set for the Forest Bath experience.  The group was tasked to find objects in Nature that represented some aspect of themselves. They were to bring back the object from their Forest Bath to build a group Mandala. We closed our time together with a Dandelion tea ceremony and a sharing of our written messages from nature.

If Nature Could Speak, What Would She Say to Me?
Writings from the Forest Bath


Be still, move gently, go where the wind takes you. Allow it to happen.

I am the red leaves, changing and being released to the earth to find a new home, a new way to be here as part of the whole.

I am the water sitting still and calm. Flowing with the wind, holding life and death, holding space for the leaves, reflecting nature back to itself yet being a part of that nature. I cannot see myself, yet I see myself in all that is reflected in me. I am held by the earth.

-  Ariela


I am the crickets and cicadas that hum and sing with joy.

I am the leaves that gracefully flow with the wind and glisten in the sun with a message “life is simple…. Nowhere to be but now.”

I am the clear blue sky – peaceful and free.

I am the light of the lovely moon that reflects a celestial glow from the heavens.

I am the little drop of water that holds the imprint of a vast ocean.

I am the soft nurturing earth beneath my feet that hold all of creation.

- Shiela


I am Healthy keep on the path.

I am perfect God made me that way.

I am free celebrate that! Remember it at all times.

I am love and I am love live that everyday and share it.

I am courageous be brave and make right choices in that mindset.

I am music it is me and flows through me> it surrounds and transports me. The music of nature and the music of mankind.

I am positive energy pull from that and give it to others.

I am color a rich tapestry that makes me uniquely me.

-  Jenni


I am the vine swinging freely in the breeze.

I am the sun dancing off the leaves.

I am the spider web that is woven with strategy and beauty.

I am the chirp of the chickadee that sings of sweetness.

I am the beaver dam designed to shelter others.

I am the hum of the crickets that creates a meditative pause.

I am the lily pad who adjusts to the water’s ripple.


Highlights of what was noticed during our experience…

  • Moon was still showing itself against the brilliant blue sky

  • Vibrant fall colors: reds, yellows, rust, browns, chartreuse

  • A Beaver Dam

  • Beaver Canals

  • Sit spots

  • Bird Songs

  • Rugby Game

  • Music from distant cars

  • Lily pads

  • Scouring Rush also known as horsetail

  • Mandala

  • Red Leaves

  • Spider webs

  • Cylinders of light through the trees

  • Tiny Purple flowers

  • Snake hole

  • Inspirational cards from local artist: Victoria Williams Steen

Happy Journaling,

Gallery from Forest Bathing Experience


Good Vibrations


The Benefits of Journaling