Good Vibrations

As a child, I was attracted to stones. I needed to pick them up and hold them in my hand. Experiencing them in my palm was so much better than just looking at them. Maybe you were like me and had a rock collection that you kept in a special box. What is it about various crystals and stones that interest us and make us want to touch them? Why are we attracted to buying certain rings, bracelets, and necklaces with specific stones? Could the stones we pick for our jewelry make us feel a certain way? As best said by the Wild Woman Sisterhood group, “You know the world is a magical place when Mother Nature Grows her own jewelry.”  

Crystals as a Healer

Using healing crystals to bring the body back into balance is a popular tool in alternative medicine. Crystal healing is an integrated, therapeutic, energetic process. Healers use various crystals to help cleanse, align and activate energy centers in the body resulting in feelings of harmony and stress release.

Psychogeology is the study of the ways rocks and other geological phenomena influence our thoughts and actions. It suggests that the rocks and crystals beneath our feet fundamentally affect how we experience life, affecting our mood and well-being.

 The use of crystals and stones has become a popular complementary tool for people who suffer from chronic illnesses and for people seeking overall well-being. Many alternative medicine healers worldwide firmly believe that integrating crystals into daily activities can promote relaxation and feelings of positivity in their clients.

What are healing crystals?

Healing crystals and igneous rocks are formed in the earth through various processes: They fall to earth from Star material or are boiled up by lava. Some are formed by intense pressure from the earth’s tectonic plates. Crystals can be made by mineral water dripping into fissures down into the earth or from nature’s organic material that has petrified. 

According to the laws of physics, everything in the universe vibrates and has its own frequency. Where there are energetic waves, there is resonance. This resonance can be tested with special equipment, but for those who heal with crystals, it is felt rather than measured. 

Crystals have vibrational frequencies that range from deep and earthy to higher cosmic frequencies. It is through these varied vibrations that crystals interact with physical and subtle bodies to bring about healing.

This thought that crystals interact with the body’s energy fields is also known as vibrational energy. The idea is that crystals can redirect and re-channel energy flow with their unique energetic vibrations. This helps to unblock areas of the body or energy field that have become “stuck.”

As the crystal vibrations interact with the body’s natural energetic frequency, the body is said to be left feeling focused, relaxed, and clear.

In crystal healing, these are the three key facts to remember: 

1.    Healing Properties
Each stone has chemical properties that, when used for a particular ailment, that can help the person through the healing process. Different kinds of healing crystals have their own capabilities to heal, and that’s why there are some stones one would be naturally “drawn” to.

2.    Positioning of Stones
Crystals can be most effective when positioned in the right chakra. There are seven chakras in the body, and every chakra has a specific function and role.

3.    Proper Pairing
By knowing the right crystal properties and pairing them with your “health intentions,” one can utilize the benefits of crystals.  

Experience some good vibrations with a restorative Reiki Crystal healing session at Balanced Soul. 

Happy Healing,


The Gratitude Jar


Forest Bathing Recap: Journaling Among the Trees