Balance your mind, body, and spirit this autumn with Reiki

Jennifer working with a client on the Reiki table. Reiki energy healing can help reduce stress, improve sleep, and promote healing.

As we enter the colder months, we may start to feel a shift on an emotional, physical, and spiritual level. Shorter, darker days impact us in many ways, sometimes making us feel listless, uninspired, or isolated. Reiki is a great tool to help individuals feel balanced during winter when our energies tend to taper.

You may be asking, ‘What is Reiki?’

Reiki is an energy healing technique in which a Reiki master—an individual who has undergone formal training in this healing art—uses gentle hand movements to guide the flow of healthy energy, known in Reiki as life force energy, through the client's body to reduce stress and promote healing.

What are the benefits of a Reiki session?

  •  Reiki can help improve sleep patterns and boost sleep quality
    Our sleep schedules are often thrown off as we adjust to shorter days during the autumn and winter seasons. Fortunately, the feelings of relaxation and well-being that Reiki sessions promote can play a role in helping you sleep better. In fact, some people even fall asleep during their Reiki sessions!

  • Reiki helps reduce seasonal stresses
    As the seasons change, unfortunately, so do our stressors. The good news is Reiki can help release cumulative daily stress. The energetic transfer through a Reiki session can lead to feelings of peacefulness and clarity long after the session.

  • Reiki is like chicken soup for the soul
    We could all use a little more warmth during autumn—and Reiki is like a bowl of soup for the mind, body, and spirit! Reiki life force energy flows seamlessly through the seven main Chakras to help promote mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It’s like one giant hug for the entire being, with its positive effects carrying you through the chilly months.

  • Reiki supports a healthier immune system
    Reiki helps us place our bodies back into a state of self-healing or reparation, stimulating further cleansing of harmful or useless energies. This, in turn, promotes a healthier immune system and overall state of well-being. Reiki can help uplift feelings related to burnout or a loss of “zest,” often tied to seasonal affective disorder (SAD), which is more prevalent when we experience less sunlight in the cooler months. 

Ready to try Reiki this fall season?

Book your Reiki session today and discover the incredible healing benefits that Reiki can provide. You’ll be glad you did. 




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