Connect with the Rhythm of Nature

A log cabin in the woods in Indiana. Connect with nature and build community through our health and wellness retreats in Indianapolis.

We all know how good being in nature can make us feel.

The sounds of the forest, the scent of the trees, the sunlight playing through the leaves, and the fresh, clean air give us a sense of comfort. They ease our stress and worry, help us relax, and think more clearly. Being in nature can restore our mood, give us energy and vitality, and refresh and rejuvenate us.

When was the last time you strolled in a forest or walked through a woodland that was so beautiful it made you stop and marvel? When did you last stop and notice the change of season, the spring buds unfurling, the brilliant reds and yellows of fall leaves, or a frost pattern on the edge of a lake? Or instead, how many hours have you spent looking at a screen today, and how many times have you checked your phone. By living in an air-conditioned office or heated home, you might have missed the changing seasons altogether.

This autumn, how about gifting yourself with a new relationship to nature? Take time to slow down and let the outdoors speak to you. Rediscover the magical rhythm to life played out in the power of the seasons.

Start by taking notice of the Fall Equinox on September 23, 2023, and honoring the season change from Summer to Fall. Each seasonal shift brings a new spiritual impulse that plays within our lives-touching each of us energetically and providing opportunities for personal growth. Autumn is when nature's energies will facilitate the purifying of one's life. It is a time for planting new seeds, exploring new endeavors, evaluating your values, and making decisions that align with your life's vision and goals. It is a time to harvest what was planted the previous year and build for the future.

Autumn is a time for setting new goals for the coming year, shedding the old to prepare for the new.

Interested in learning more? Check out the article "A New Leaf" by Tim Bush in the Indianapolis Monthly Magazine, where he highlights Balanced Soul's Forest Bathing experiences.

Come meet me in the woods,



Forest Bathing Recap: Journaling Among the Trees


End-of-Life Doula: Paving the Way to a Good Death