Dream Board Messages from the Soul

Dream Board Messages from the Soul

The best way to truly live an engaged and joyful life is to connect and act on our Soul yearnings. Our Soul is always calling, every moment of every day, we just may not be taking the time to listen.

The Soul’s voice is a place inside us that continues to remind us of our creative ideas. It is that inner sojourner who is longing for adventure, or that crazy list of goals that cycles through our minds that we dare not share. Many of us push down our Soul messages because our ego says they are not practical or attainable.  We cannot envision how to make changes that can move towards attaining our dreams when life feels stressed and like it is in overdrive.

It is essential to take the much-needed time to explore what truly matters to us and to listen to how we are being called to live in alignment with our Soul. Over time, when we ignore our Souls’ messages, we begin to feel as if we are living a life that is not our own.  We find ourselves existing in a state of reaction and stress versus a life of intention and ease. When we listen to our Soul, we begin to live a soul-led life.   

A Dream Board is a powerful tool to decipher and express the Soul’s messages. By creating a personal Dream Board, we bring into action a listening to the strongest voice in our life.

The Power of Visualization

Visualization is one of the most powerful exercises to strengthen an intention or personal goal.  When placing focus on our visualized topic our sub conscious holds on to the message giving it priority of thought within our mindset . By creating a Dream Board and placing it in a space where it can be seen often, you end up doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. This leads to becoming intentional about the life you want to design. You can even take a photo of your Dream Board your phone wallpaper or your computer screen saver.

What does a Dream Board do?

  • A Dream Board connects us to our inner conversation around desired lifestyle, work, financial, health, and personal goals. 

  • A Dream Board creates an emotional connection to what motivates us.

  • A Dream Board makes the dream in our mind real, so we begin to believe it's possible.

  • A Dream Board clarifies what we want out of life and helps us to express it visually out into the world.

Want to create your own Dream Board? Join us for The Art of Activating your Dreams: Design the Vision of YOU! on Sunday, February 27, 2022, from 1 - 5 p.m. at Studio Alchemy Gallery. Reserve your spot here.

Dream on,



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