Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part III

having a deep sleep

Ways to Improve Your Lifestyle that Promote Healthy Sleep and Dreaming

Restorative sleep and dreaming are vital for emotional, physical, and mental health. What can we do to enhance our sleep cycles and create restorative sleep habits? Is there a way to “break – up “with insomnia? Here are some suggestions to improve sleep, help reset your sleep habits, and promote good dream hygiene.

  • Remove all electronic devices out of the bedroom

  • Darken the room from outside light

  • Use a sleeping mask

  • Create a sleep routine of going to bed around the same time every night and sleeping for at least 8 hours

  • No strenuous exercise before bed

  • Don’t watch the news or a disturbing television show/movie before bed

  • Keep a dream journal beside your bed and write down dreams upon waking

  • Meditate daily

  • Practice yoga

  • Massage

  • Practice daily stress management

  • Daily exercise

  • Healthy diet

  • We live in a world that is hyper “ON” – unplug, rest, relax, re-set, chill out

  • Medical Check-Up

  • Sprint and Recovery – athletes know this term, focus as much on your recovery as you do in your Sprint.

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate (stop water intake at least an hour before bed)

  • Essential oils

  • Journal Daily

Sweet Dreams,



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