Spring Cleaning Part III: Healing Benefits of Space Clearing
Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley

Spring Cleaning Part III: Healing Benefits of Space Clearing

By responding to the energy of Spring through the act of decluttering and purifying our home and office we create a powerful template for new possibility. A home that felt sluggish or depressed can become vibrant and uplifting after a space clearing. A room that is cleared has the feeling of being lighter and brighter.

By adding a Space Clearing ritual after Spring Cleaning, we are claiming our desire to have our space feel more like a sanctuary. This creates a sense of retreat from the discord of the world, a place of refuge and protection. A home that has been cleansed and blessed becomes a space where we can be relaxed and be ourselves. Dive into this step-by-step guide for how to perform a space clearing.

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Spring Cleaning: Clutter…How did I end up with all this STUFF?
Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley

Spring Cleaning: Clutter…How did I end up with all this STUFF?

The flowers are blooming, and the birds are serenading, but the house still feels like it's stuck with winter blues. Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes.

Whether we decide to take part in this need to intensely clean or not is a whole other question. But why do we call it Spring Cleaning? Why isn't it Winter or Fall cleaning?

Today, we look at Spring Cleaning as a time to pull out our deep clean to-do list and give our home a thorough clean. Our goal is to eliminate the accumulated dirt, dust, and clutter from the past year. For many, it's something we feel we must do, a ritual of sorts - but why? Many don't realize that Spring Cleaning has strong cultural, religious, historical, and biological connections.

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Spring Cleaning: Why Do We Clean in the Spring?
Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley Spring Cleaning Jennifer Foley

Spring Cleaning: Why Do We Clean in the Spring?

The flowers are blooming, and the birds are serenading, but the house still feels like it's stuck with winter blues. Spring cleaning is a tradition that allows us to freshen up our homes.

Whether we decide to take part in this need to intensely clean or not is a whole other question. But why do we call it Spring Cleaning? Why isn't it Winter or Fall cleaning?

Today, we look at Spring Cleaning as a time to pull out our deep clean to-do list and give our home a thorough clean. Our goal is to eliminate the accumulated dirt, dust, and clutter from the past year. For many, it's something we feel we must do, a ritual of sorts - but why? Many don't realize that Spring Cleaning has strong cultural, religious, historical, and biological connections.

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