The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life is a universal symbol.

Many cultures, religions, and communities reference the Tree of Life or World Tree to portray the connection between the heavens and all Earthly creations. March welcomes a season of new life: we witness the rebirth of many of Earth's creations, each emerging from their winter slumber. Trees begin to blossom with leaves and flower buds, and daffodils and crocus emerge with color in what was formerly a barren and brown winter scape. An array of new plant resources spur the birth of deer, rabbits, birds, and other wildlife.

Have you started to notice signs of Spring?

Take a moment to connect with the nature that surrounds you. Pay special attention to how life is changing in reflection of the emerging new season. Today's busy lifestyle of rushing, doing, and scrolling makes us anxious and tense. Go sit with your back against a favorite tree. Feel the texture of the bark, and ponder what animals and creatures are making this tree their home. 

Our Commonality

Humans and trees have a lot in common. If you cut down a tree and look at the rings in its trunk, you'll find each one is unique and tells a story, much like our fingerprint patterns. A tree's network of branches and twigs resembles the shape of our lung's bronchi and bronchioles, allowing us the gift of breath. When we step outside and breathe in the fresh spring air, we accept the gift of oxygen from the trees and plants around us. As we exhale, we provide carbon dioxide to nearby trees in return.

Come take a moment and relax in the Forest. Join us for one of our upcoming Forest Bathing events and learn how nature can become a tool in your self-care tool kit. 

  • April 14th - Dreaming into the Speaking Land Forest Bathing and Intuitive Painting Workshop

  • April 15th - Dreaming into the Speaking Land Forest Bathing and Intuitive Painting Workshop

  • May 13th - 2023 Forest Bathing Series: Connecting with Mother Earth

  • July 1st - 2023 Forest Bathing Series: Bathing in Gratitude

  • August 26th - 2023 Forest Bathing Series: Dreaming into a Speaking Land

  • October 14th - 2023 Forest Bathing Series: Healing with Nature

Learn more about each event and reserve your spot here!

I’d like to close with one of my favorite poems by Mary Oliver, called Sleeping in the Forest.

Sleeping in the Forest
by Mary Oliver

I thought the Earth remembered me,
She took me back so tenderly,
Arranging her dark skirts, her pockets
Full of lichens and seeds.
I slept as never before, a stone on the riverbed,
Nothing between me and the white fire of the stars
But my thoughts, and they floated light as moths
Among the branches of the perfect trees.
All night I heard the small kingdoms,
Breathing around me, the insects,
and the birds who do their work in the darkness.
All night I rose and fell, as if in water,
Grappling with a luminous doom.
By morning I had vanished at least a dozen times into something better.

See you in the Forest,



Dying a “Good Death”


Messages from our grandmothers