Turn Dreams to Action

Man reaching up toward a starry sky. Photo by Josh Hild on Unsplash

America is a sleep-deprived and dream-deprived country.

Many will tell you that they don’t remember their dreams or experience dream drought and can’t remember a dream. 

Dreams require action! If we do not honor our dreams, they will cease to come to us. And, if we lose our dreams, we lose our inner compass. 

Active Dreaming brings energy and guidance from our night dreams, daydreams, and synchronistic moments into our everyday lives. I am a teacher and Coach of Active Dreaming. Active Dreaming is a discipline, with core techniques designed by Robert Moss, that provides tools for talking and walking our dreams.


The first process is to take the dream through the Lightning Dream Work Process. This quick, powerful technique takes less than 8 minutes and enables clients to tell their dreams and receive helpful, non-intrusive feedback. During Lightning Dream-work, we emphasize that dreamer is always the expert of their own dream.  

The next step towards dream action is to choose an activity below based on what was revealed when using the Lightning Dream Work Process.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Keep a dream journal. Write out your dream, date it, and give it a title.

  • Write a bumper sticker based on your dream experience.

  • Dream Archeology. Do research on prominent aspects of your dream.

  • Make a creative offering to your dream. Such as a poem, painting, or music.

  • Contact a person from your dream or initiate a discussion with an individual based on your dream.

  • Come up with your own idea to put action towards your dream.

The last piece of turning dreams into action is commitment. You must follow through with intentions set around specific actions obtained from the dream. Active Dreaming is a daily practice. The more dreams are given attention, the more creative and vibrant life becomes. Dreams are a powerful and valuable way to process hopes and fears that you may have in your life - hear more on this podcast.

Sweet Dreams,



Reiki: Universal Life Force


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