Enjoy a leisurely hike as we explore the enchanted thresholds that open to the colorful season of change. Whether it be on forest-bathed paths, in a reflective fertile pond, or hidden among a meadow of native wild flowers and marsh grasses, we will step into the magic of Nature’s everyday dreams. We might even encounter a shy deer, a screech owl, a Cooper’s hawk, a white egret or blue heron. Engaging the spirits of earth, water, wind and sun, we will deepen our connection with Balanced Soul’s whole-hearted community. Sign up early. Spots limited.
Date/Time: Saturday, October 16, 9-11:30 am
Carmel Central Park
Central Park is a hub for recreation and exploration. The 159-acre park sits between the blocks of 116th St., 111th St., College Ave., and Westfield Blvd.
Meet in parking lot near Shelter 1 near the playground at Westermeier Commons. Use the North College Avenue West Entrance. It is located on the east side of the street, just north of 111th street.
Essential Information: Wear appropriate shoes and clothes for the weather. Bring anything you might need in a day pack; water bottle, snack, journal, camera. etc.
Number of Participants: 8 Sign up through Balanced Soul
Cost: Free. You are invited to donate to the Nature organization of your choice
Facilitator: Meredith Eastwood