What is Active Dreaming?

Do you often wake up feeling groggy or un-refreshed? Can you remember your last dream? Do you suffer from frequent nightmares? Active Dreaming could be the answer.

Active Dreaming is a compilation of techniques and practices that help people improve their sleep, process dreams, and nourish their psyche, mind and soul from night or daydreams.

Developed by Robert Moss, Active Dreaming is a synthesis of modern dreamwork, the world’s cultural traditions, indigenous wisdom and scientific theories. An independent scholar and life-long researcher, Moss is not only a dream teacher, but also a professor of history, foreign journalist, and best-selling author of over a dozen books on the subject of dreaming.

Active Dreaming is also:

  • A way to talk about dreams that honors the dreamer as the authority.

  • A method to lucid dream through meditative journeys.

  • A method of conscious living, navigating by synchronicity and claiming the soul’s path.

  • A method of dreaming that helps diagnose and heal through visualizations and rehearsals for health challenges.

  • A process, a technique, a practice - not a religious belief system.

  • A way to honor the different ways we dream and includes various types of dreams.

  • A way to understand the three broad bands of dreaming: literal, symbolic, other worldly. 

  • A path for waking up to a bigger life purpose.

If this sounds interesting, I invite you to try an Active Dream Coaching session with me. This style of coaching can help you:

  • gain an understanding of how to become a dream catcher,

  • understand the importance of keeping a dream journal,

  • recover from possible dream draughts,

  • make friends with nightmares, and

  • examine ways to get a good nights’ sleep.

Sweet Dreams,


Don’t Remember your Dreams? Breaking a Dream Drought


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