A Recipe for a Delicious Energy Day

Don’t you want to experience more days where you feel mindful and engaged with healthy habits, activities, people, and places that make you feel uplifted, grounded, and peaceful? How can you design your days to feel more energized, engaged, and present? Think of these desired positive elements as the ingredients needed for a recipe that creates a delicious energy day. Set an intention to whip up one of these delicious energy days once a week – or at least part of one - regularly. Use these questions to help you identify the ingredients you need to create your delicious energy recipe.

  • Who do you love hearing from and being around?

  • Where does your body breathe a sigh of relief and makes you so happy or relaxed that you lose track of time? Examples could include a farmers’ market, yoga studio, your back porch, a friend’s kitchen, or a park.

  • What activities help you decompress, or what activities do you miss when you don’t engage in them? Examples include journaling, reading, a massage, hiking in nature, or baking.

  • Which routines help you feel centered and able to focus on and harness more energy? Examples are meditation, nighttime skincare routine, praying, cleaning and organizing, or getting out of the office for a mid-day walk)

Make your answers to these prompts your go-to’s whenever your energy level feels off or low. Consciously schedule them into your day as you would a business meeting or doctor’s appointment. Make these special “ingredients” non-negotiable and honor your commitment to keeping them. Then take notice of the difference in your energy level. You will be pleasantly surprised!

Enjoy your day,


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