What is Forest Bathing?
Forest Bathing is a practice that belongs in each person's self-care toolbox. It is also a powerful path of activism for those who are called to help heal the broken relationships between people and the natural world. As stated so beautifully by author and founder of the Association of Nature and Forest Therapy, M. Amos Clifford, "Healing of people and forests happens together, or not at all." Like many practices is easy to begin, but like many self-care tools, there are layers of learning and complexity that reward us when we make it a regular part of our lives.

Be Your Vision
In A New Earth, Eckart Tolle writes that to awaken to your life’s purpose, you have to be ready for a change in the state of your consciousness. The one big question most of us ask ourselves is, “What should I do with the rest of my life?”
For most people, it is a complicated answer. You can use these simple suggestions from people who have successfully answered this question and are now living the lives of their dreams. Be inspired to pursue your dreams and discover the impact you are meant to have on the world.

Dream Boarding: What can it do for you?
A Dream Board is much more than creating a nice collage with beautiful images; it is a powerful tool that can help us focus on designing and implementing the steps needed to take our lives to the next level.

Dream Board Messages from the Soul
A Dream Board is a powerful tool to decipher and express the Soul’s messages. By creating a personal Dream Board, we bring into action to listening to the strongest voice in our life.

25 Ways to Stay Balanced, Sane and Intentional During the Holiday Season!
Balanced Soul is offering 25 tips to be intentional during the Holidays. Read one a day and take action if it speaks to you. May you cross the holiday finish line in January 2022, as a healthy, happier, and peaceful YOU!

Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part III
Restorative sleep and dreaming are vital for emotional, physical, and mental health. What can we do to enhance our sleep cycles and create restorative sleep habits? Is there a way to “break – up “with insomnia? Here are some suggestions to improve sleep, help reset your sleep habits, and promote good dream hygiene.

Dreaming into the Seasons Recap: Dreaming into Autumn Walk: The Nature of Thresholds
Our small group of amazing women were blessed by gorgeous October weather and a pair of swans on our leisurely 4 mile autumn hike in Carmel Central Park. It was a perfect day to dream into Nature’s messages.
We began our morning with introductions and an invocation about the nature of thresholds in nature and in our personal lives with words by John O’ Donohue, from his book, To Bless the Space Between Us. Participants were asked to ponder these words during our hike.
Retreat Recap: Activate Your Re-Set Button: Dreaming into a life of Personal Balance and Self Care
17 women gathered to explore tools and practices for healing, wellness, and life balance. They included Active Dreamwork developed by Robert Moss, crystals, gemstones, and essential oils, CBD products by Alix Litwack from CBD Jubilee, and Ayurveda Yoga Nidra meditations using the Chakra systems by Sheila Dimolf. Award winning musician Michelle Qureshi played her harp guitar for the activities, and we were well fed with spectacular creations by Toby Mares from Good Gracious.

Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part II
Dreaming is important for health and well-being. The recall of dreams is an amazing tool for processing the information from our waking life. Dreams can depict an aspect of ourselves that requires our attention, showing us where a part of our vital energy has gone missing.

Retreat Recap: Dreaming with Nature on the Summer Solstice

Forest Bathing Prescription

Dream Health: The Importance of Sleep and the Hazards of Dream Deprivation: Part 1
Insomnia is our Nation's silent health crisis. One-half of Americans report having difficulty sleeping. The following is a three-part blog containing information that explains the basic fundamentals of sleep and the importance of dreaming.

Reiki: Universal Life Force
Reiki is a Japanese form of Energy Medicine based on the foundation that all humans, animals, and plants have a life force. We call this force, Soul. The word Reiki means Universal Life Force.

Turn Dreams to Action
Dreams require action! If we do not honor our dreams, they will cease to come to us. And, if we lose our dreams, we lose our inner compass.

Spring has Sprung
It is the season where we actively redefine ourselves. It is a time when we become increasingly aware that we’re called to act on an idea and bring life and form to its birth.

How to access the door to your soul?
But how does one best connect with our soul’s dialogue? Where is the soul’s door? The door that acts as a gatekeeper to our template for living our purpose in sync with our well-being?
Many believe that the door to the soul is opened through right-brain activities.

Your Personal Theme Song
Choosing a theme song is a great way to stay connected to who you are. It is an excellent reminder of that goal you are achieving or a support tool to help you heal. I think of a theme song as a musical anchor that calls you home to yourself, lifts your mood, or reminds you of that needed pep talk.

Be a choice maker
Being a choice maker means that what you choose to do must correspond with what is true for you at a soul level. What you do with your life is meaningful; it is something you know in your bones, at your core, in your soul. How do you become a choice maker?